More certainty. More profit. More freedom.

Create A Business With Bankable Profit That Thrives In Any Market

Coaching | Mentoring | Fractional CFO Services

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Welcome to Wisdom Consulting

Let’s Create Certainty
In Your Business

Does your daily life as a business owner feel out of control?
Are you generating leads and sales, but still struggling to see profits?
Is the gap between where you are at and where you want to go getting bigger instead of smaller?
If you’re ready to get off the business owner hamster wheel, Wisdom Consulting is here to help. 

Your Business Can Thrive in Any Market

Led by business and finance expert Matt Malouf, our experienced team helps entrepreneurs and companies to grow, scale and sell.  We will help you achieve freedom and fulfilment through better money management and a strategic approach that will fast-track your success.

Here’s the secret

Transform Your Results

When you’re flat out running your business, you need support to take a look at the bigger picture and figure out which steps will lead to financial certainty as well as growth.

At Wisdom Consulting, we offer a mix of one-on-one support as well as group learning and Fractional CFO Services, to help you maintain momentum, find more freedom and maximise your profits.  

Matt Malouf

Momentum | Freedom | Profits

Let’s Paint The Picture Of Their Success

Wisdom Consulting will put you on track to earn a minimum $750,000+ net profit a year, with you working no more than 44 weeks a year and 30 hours a week.

From there, the sky’s the limit…

Love Your Life
Do the work you love and be rewarded for your efforts.
Get Sales as well as Leads
Drive more enquiries from clients you want and get better at closing every deal.
Work on Your Business, Not in it
Escape the day-to-day and focus on the bigger picture so you can achieve rapid growth. 
Scale & Sell
Build a business that gives you flexibility, security and financial freedom.
Generate Bankable Profits
Income means nothing if you don’t have money in the bank. We’ll show you how…
Boost Your Cash Flow
Put an end to the stress of unpaid bills and overdue accounts. 
Build the Right Team
Learn to hire better so you can focus on the bigger picture of your organisation.
Make Better Decisions
Confused about what to do next? Wisdom Consulting will help you develop a winning strategy. 
Get Clarity on Your Numbers
This is the essential step to put your business on the pathway to success.

Take your success to the next level

Show them the exact process of
How They’ll Get There

Wisdom Consulting Group takes a hands-on approach to give you financial
peace of mind and a business that has the power to run without you.


Get Clear On your Strategic Direction

Tired of putting out fires and being so trapped by your day to day operations that you don’t have time to look at the bigger picture? 

Wisdom Consulting will help you solve your biggest problems and develop a strategy that will take you where you want to go.

Identify your weak spots

Develop your strategy

Build your competitive advantage

“If you are in search for strategic business direction and growth, I would highly recommend Matt at Wisdom Consulting Group to bring your business to the next level. Matt’s vast and effective experience in sales strategy, growth strategy and his ability to read between numbers has given us meaningful foresight into planning and execution. We are on our way to hitting new set targets and confident in having the foresight to do so.”

Che Taing

SH Jewellery


Achieve Operational Excellence

A successful 7-figure business needs a great team that communicates well and operates efficiently.

Let us show you how to implement the right systems for better recruitment and people management.

Hire the right people

Improve internal communications

Build better processes and find more time in your day

Matt has a presence that demands respect but in a very nurturing way. He has helped me define my goals and held me accountable. The business has greater profits and I have more time. His focus has now turned to my staff to bring the best out in them and unite the team. There is value in being part of the Wisdom community that extends well beyond the one on one time with Matt, he creates a support network that makes you feel like we are all in it together.”

Tracey Cools

Efficient Living


Create Financial Clarity

It doesn’t matter how much money your business is making if you can’t take a decent percentage of it home with you. 

Figure out how to plug the leaks and create more revenue streams so you have constant cash flow and more predictable profits. 

Understand your numbers

Define your profit model

Secure your future

“The best thing we ever did, I wish I would have done it sooner. It would have saved me a lot of money, was hire Matt and his team…, because he comes in and you don’t know what you don’t know. He shines light on your blind spots.  And everything started to click. He held my hand and showed me the metrics that mattered and helps with a dashboard so we can see all the live in the business, exactly what’s happening. So that if I went on holiday for, like, six months, I could just log in every day, look at the dashboard and know exactly what’s going on in my business.  Since working with Matt we have 10x our profit and I feel supported and clear on where the money in my business is and how to make more.”

Steve Whittaker

Dragon Roof Restoration

Let’s Get Real

Your business needs
bankable profit

No matter how many clients you have or how many people know about your business, if you don’t have bankable profits, you will struggle to sustain your business for the long term. 

The first step is to get 100 per cent clear on your numbers. From there, we’ll create a strategy that will give you financial certainty and put you on the path to build your wealth.

Stop reading books and listening to podcasts! It’s time to take real action that leads to genuine results. 

“Matthew Malouf masterfully blends
financial acumen with entrepreneurial
flair, transforming good businesses into
industry leaders in a single stride.”

Brian Tracy

Author, Speaker, Consultant

Take your success to the next level

Build Your Business Wisdom

Get started with free resources from our team.

How it all works

Here’re Your Next Steps

Ready to take back control as a business owner?
Start your journey today. 


Share Your Goals


Speak with business and finance expert Matt Malouf.


Build Your Massive Action Plan


Identify the best next steps in key areas of your business.


Implement With Wisdom


Wisdom Consulting is in your corner as you improve and scale your business.